SwimRun Vies Braves "Mar d'Amunt"

Registrations not active

Basic details

  • When: From 7:30 AM on Sunday, September 1, 2019 to 1:00 PM on Sunday, September 1, 2019
  • Place: Llançà
  • Town: Llançà
  • Province: Girona
  • Registration dates: From 12:00 AM on 2/15/2019 to 11:59 PM on 8/29/2019




Vies Braves Swimming

Learn more

The Vies Braves SwimRun is a leisure-based sporting event that combines open water swimming with walking/trail running along a marked route without interruptions or transitions. 

Swimmers normally swim wearing sports shoes, so they are allowed to use a pull-buoy and hand paddles. This sport originates in the Nordic countries and is done individually or in pairs.

The Vies Braves are the ideal setting for a SwimRun, since most routes run parallel to the “camino de ronda” footpaths or meet the network of local paths.

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