Gran Fondo Jaén Paraíso Interior

Gran Fondo Jaén Paraíso Interior

Registrations not active

Basic details

  • When: From 9:30 AM on Sunday, February 12, 2023 to 2:00 PM on Sunday, February 12, 2023
  • Place: Úbeda (Jaén - Spain)
  • Town:
  • Province: Jaén
  • Registration dates: From 12:00 AM on 11/15/2022 to 11:59 PM on 2/8/2023





Learn more

Next February 12th, 2023 the first edition of the Gran Fondo Jaén Paraíso Interior will offer a Sunday of dusty roads with Jaén’s unparalleled sea of olive trees as a backdrop. An appetizer for the Clásica Jaén Paraíso Interior, to be held on Monday – and quite an occasion on its own.

Like the pro race, the Gran Fondo Jaén Paraíso Interior will start from Úbeda to finish in Baeza, thus visiting two cities considered to be World Heritage by UNESCO which are located just 10 kilometres apart from each other. It will be a 90-kilometre course featuring 40-kilometre worth of gravel sectors and 1500 meters of elevation gain.

The number of participants of this Gran Fondo Jaén Paraíso Interior will be limited in order to offer the best possible experience to the riders. Along with the entry rights, the participants will redeem a starter pack with a bottle of Olibaeza extra-virgin olive oil (the world’s best AOVE in 2021 according to EVOOLEUM ) and a Pissei vest worth 80€, with an exclusive design to celebrate the event. 
