Bilbao-Gasteiz (Basque Ultra Trail Series Circuit)


The Basque Ultra Series is a combination of four extreme distance in line and semi-self-sufficiency races. These races will connect the three Basque capitals and Navarra´s capital city, over a four year circuit (2019-2022). These four races will explore the beautiful and expansive mountains of Basque Country.

These four races range from 110km and 140km and total 500km.

The circuit connects the Basque Capitals and the Navarra´s capital in a counter clockwise direction. The races will take place once a year, each on in a different season.

  • February 22-24, 2019 ….. Bilbao - Gasteiz (110km)

  • May 1-3, 2020 …............. Gasteiz - Irunea (130 km)

  • July 23-25, 2021 .......….. Irunea - Donostia (120km)

  • October 6-8, 2022 …...... Donostia - Bilbao (140km)

The March of the 4 cathedrals of Sheve Pena

The Basque Trail Series was inspired by the achievements accomplished by the well known mountaineer from Tolosa, Sheve Pena, in 1953.

Consisting, to connect the three Basque capitals and Navatta´s capital in a foot march through the mountains, Pena forged this trek continuously from May 25 till 28.

They called the four cathedrals because of this hikers religious spirit from the epoch. He would go to mass in each of the capitals before he would continue on his journey.

Sheve Pena who was 45 at that time was prepared and organized the march for months prior to the expedition, ensuring to take care of every last detail: transit points and rest areas,diet, company, moon phases, etc. Finally, he started on the 25th of May from the Santiago Cathderal from Bilbao at 00:00.

The journey consisted of Bilbao - Donostia/San Sebastion - Iruna/Pamplona - Vitoria/Gaztiez - Bilbao. After 400km, 7400m of positive incline and 93 hours and five minutes of hiking, 66 hours and 25 minutes corresponded to active hiking time. On Thursday, May 28, the hiker arrived to the arcade of the Cathedral of Bilbao.